A modern approach

Since the problem goes deeper than our biology, the solution needs to go deeper too.

As someone who has lived with depression, anxiety, and attention deficit disorders my entire life, I understand how frustrating and complex they are to deal with. I can tell you with confidence that there is no quick fix, no magic pill, and no single solution to either of these problems. 

The only viable approach is a holistic one.

One that addresses the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual realms as vital parts of an integrative system. Using concepts and techniques from mindfulness, neuroscience, and psychology, we’ll create an individualized plan to help you heal your inner world. We’ll address symptom management and work together to achieve remission, prevent relapse, and create a life where you can thrive.

It’s important to remember that there’s no “cure” for depression. While not everyone who experiences a depressive episode goes on to have another one, many do. Acceptance of this fact is a key component of recovery. The goal is to get yourself into remission and learn the best methods for preventing a relapse.

Some of the most important work you’ll do is when you’re not feeling depressed.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that getting help is only necessary when you’re under the grip of depression.
For people with mental health issues, maintaining wellness is a full-time job.

We will focus on what you can control.


While there are some factors of your mental health that are not within your control (such as your past, your genetic makeup, and certain life circumstances), personal lifestyle choices are critical to your mental wellbeing and within your control — though it may not always feel like it. 

The trick to gaining some control is to be proactive in the fight against depression. You want to make it so that when you’re triggered or start to slip into that dark place, taking care of your whole self is easier because it’s become habitual.

Doing the work requires a huge level of commitment to yourself. This doesn’t always come easy to those who don’t love themselves enough, and often self-limiting beliefs are the culprit. We will work to identify yours and create new habits that support a healthier future storyline.

Together we will address overwhelm by establishing routines getting your life in order; establish your support system and learn exactly how to ask for help; identify your unmet needs; abolish self-defeating habits; exercise your mental toughness; set boundaries and address toxic relationship patterns; manage expectations, and much more.

It’s important to realize that so much of the work revolves around your subconscious programming.

Doing the work.

Shifting the Paradigm

Paradigms are the subconscious maps from which we operate. By and large, the momentum of depression is carried by the subconscious.
Think about how many times you’ve been depressed and you weren’t even sure what was causing it.

At the root of depression are your self-limiting beliefs, inner child wounds, negative thinking patterns, and automatic behaviours
all factors that lie beyond conscious awareness.

My approach aims to shed light on the paradigms that are keeping you stuck and suffering, and to shift them.

DISCLAIMER: shifting paradigms is lifelong work, and having someone act as a guide to uncovering yours is only the beginning.

What’s your support system like?

Are you exercising? How’s your diet?

How do you self-regulate?

What are your boundaries like?

Have you done your shadow work?

Do you have a spiritual practice?

Can you identify your current unmet needs?

How about your triggers?

What are your go-to coping strategies?

Favourite CBT technique?

Are you on medication? Do you take supplements?

Do you have a wellness routine that you adhere to as if your life depended on it?

3-Month Mental Health Coaching Program

  • 12 Sessions in Total
    Visit the “My Program” page for a full breakdown

  • Visit the “My Program” page for a full breakdown

  • Visit the “My Program” page for a full breakdown